GitHub Paid vs Self Hosted

Since I said I’d write more I thought about this and now here I am writing about it.

Recently I started paying for GitHub repositories so I can have private repositories. Now, why would I pay for private repositories when I can host GitLab on either my home lab or a cheap VPS? It’s mostly GitHub having backups like if my home lab were to go offline I could lose data, or even on a VPS I could forget about the payment and lose all of my data. Honestly, for $7 /m for unlimited private repositories – you can’t beat that. So now the question comes in, why didn’t I just use BitBucket? Well, I do use BitBucket for old projects that I don’t want to merge to GitHub. I prefer to keep all of my code in one place rather than 2 or 3.

So it really comes down to the easy way vs having to manage a server vs code in multiple places.


until next time