Unreal Dump
- TEnumRange
- see
. for (const EMyEnum Val : TEnumRange<EMyEnum>())
- Required to use
- see
- BlueprintAuthorityOnly, tbh some of these TIL.
UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintAuthorityOnly, Category = "MyCategory")
- EditCondition, VisibleCondition, and EditConditionHides
UPROPERTY(..., meta = (EditCondition="bToggled"))
orUPROPERTY(..., meta = (EditCondition="MyEnum == MyEnum::None"))
- FSimpleMulticastDelegate and FSimpleDelegate
- These are delegates that you can bind only in C++ and don't support any args. If using these you don't have to do the macro to define them as they're already defined so it helps clean up your classes.
- TArrayView
- You can do some cool stuff with this class, such as splitting an array.
- FDateRange, FDoubleRange, FFloatRange, FInt8Range, FInt16Range, FInt32Range, FInt64Range -
- see
- see
- APlayerState::CopyProperties and APlayerState::OverrideWith
- FWorldDelegates
- FFormatNamedArguments
- ThisClass - used when well... using delegates etc &ThisClass::MethodName
- UEnum class - has some really useful methods
- PawnLeavingGame - override this in your PlayerController class and it will prevent your pawn from being destroyed on disconnect
- FDebug::DumpStackTraceToLog to dump the callstack to the log
- ObjectInitializer.DoNotCreateDefaultSubobject
- NotifyControllerChanged on the Pawn
- #include UE_INLINE_GENERATED_CPP_BY_NAME(ClassFileName) in cpp files
- ULineBatchComponent - useful for drawing debug (DrawDebug*)
- FMessageLog("MapCheck").*
- [/Script/EngineSettings.GameMapsSettings] - EditorTemplateMapOverrides
until next time