Weekly Update 24 - New Keycaps

This week wasn't busy at all. I worked on SteamBridge a little bit and I fixed Jenkins building a dedicated server for Shifted which took so damn long (in turn I updated my Jenkins and UE4 post with an example for dedicated server building). Work on the GameMode in Shifted was moved to another programmer on the team so I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to be working on next just yet.

I finished the Vivox blog post that went live Wednesday and I'm really happy that it is finally live. As of right now, I don't have any plans to write any guides this year, but this could change. I do sometimes like to just start writing things so who knows. After all, we do have one more month of 2020 so I might end up writing something else. 🤷‍♂️

This week I really just sat around and played Arma 3, watched Longmire on Netflix, and took a break from actual work.


I did get in the new keycaps Thursday, that I ordered a few days ago. (Pudding keycaps from Ducky and they keyboard is a Ducky Shine 7 (Gunmetal))


until next time